Fifteen Schellenberg Wittmer lawyers have been recognized in Legal Media Group's Expert Guides 2019 edition of "Rising Stars." Schellenberg Wittmer is the firm with the highest number of lawyers nominated for this edition in Switzerland.
George Ayoub; Louis Burrus; Anne-Carole Cremades; Andrea Dorjee-Good; Olivier Favre; Anya George; Tarek Houdrouge; Anna Kozmenko; Stefan Leimgruber; Sebastiano Nessi; Clara Poglia; Julie Raneda; Anne Roux-Fouillet; Roland M. Ryser and Grégoire Wuest have all been recognized in their respective areas of practice.
In addition, Partners Louis Burrus and Tarek Houdrouge were selected as Thought Leaders in the area of Banking & Finance in Switzerland, publishing the practice area overview on the topic of an "Overview of Conflict of Interest at the Board of Swiss Companies".
The Rising Stars 2019 guide represents a listing of the brightest and most talented practitioners in the area of business law and related practices globally. Rising Stars are classified as recently appointed partners or senior associates - who have already been recognized for their work. Inclusion into the final list is a result of peer and client nomination across 55 jurisdictions alongside extensive independent research.