Regional Desk Spain and Spanish-speaking Latin America

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Regional Desk Spain and Spanish-speaking Latin America

Our Spain and Spanish-speaking Latin America desk advises corporate clients and individuals on matters with an Spanish or Latin American element. Our team has experience acting for and against Spanish and Latin American parties in international disputes through our international arbitration practice in Switzerland and Singapore, in particular in the construction and oil and gas industries. Our team has also represented clients before the Swiss Supreme Court in setting aside and enforcement proceedings. 



Schellenberg Wittmer regularly supports corporate entities and individuals based in or with activities related to Spain and Latin America. 

Our international team, which includes native Spanish speakers and lawyers qualified in Spain and Latin America, is in the best position to navigate cultural differences and overcome language barriers to provide first class advice to our clients. 

Our experience includes, for example, acting for and against Spanish or Latin American parties in international arbitration proceedings related to a variety of industries, including pharma, energy, construction, and in enforcement and setting aside proceedings before the Federal Court.

  • Representation of a U.S. based multinational company against a Spanish construction company in an ICC arbitration related to the construction of a concentrated solar power plant in the Middle East.
  • Representation of a major Spanish pharmaceutical group in an international arbitration in Switzerland against its licensee and distributor based in Poland. The dispute concerned the supply of defective (contaminated) product leading to a product recall, to the distributor’s failure to renew the national marketing authorization and to distribute compliant product, and to an alleged loss of value of a trademark for pharmaceutical products.
  • Representation of a Spanish-based EPC contractor of industrial and power plants in the oil and gas sector in an ICC arbitration governed by Swiss law relating to the development of projects in the energy sector in the Middle East.
  • Counsel to a Panamanian company forced into bankruptcy by the Supervising Authority in Panama on whose behalf we obtained the enforcement of liquidation order in Switzerland and assisted in the expatriation of the company’s assets in Switzerland back to Panama
  • Represented a major French- Spanish construction company in setting-aside proceedings brought by two European States in the context of a very high-stake infrastructure project.
  • Counsel to a major steel company in an ICC arbitration case against a Latin American company in a dispute regarding the construction of a steel plant.
  • Co-counsel in a dispute relating to cost overruns, disruptions and extended time in relation to the enlargement of the Panama Canal.

Awards & Recognitions

  • Chambers & Partners
  • Legal 500
  • Lexology Index
  • IFLR

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