Capital Markets

Chambers Europe

“The brilliant and pragmatic team is praised for its solution-focused style.”

Chambers Europe

“Providing sound and strategic advice on ECM and DCM matters.”

Chambers Europe

“Team members that are outstanding and business-minded.”

Chambers Europe

“The ability to break down Swiss law and SIX exchange rules in a way that is easy to understand for a foreign company.”

Legal 500

“Outstanding professionals maintaining good working relationships with clients.”

Practice Group

Our Capital Markets Group is composed of a core group of more than 15 lawyers with in-depth knowledge of debt and equity capital markets, and the practical and technical know-how to get the deal through. Many of us have worked for Swiss or international banks or served in international law firms. Our experience and expertise, together with the size of our team, enable us to handle all types of domestic and cross-border capital market transactions, no matter how large or complex, and to provide tailor-made services to our clients.



The team has a strong expertise in capital markets transactions and extensive exposure in shaping the legal and regulatory environment in this business sector, which ensures we have the ideal blend of practical and technical know-how to act on behalf of issuers or underwriters, or as transaction counsel, in all aspects of domestic and cross-border capital markets transactions.

Our expertise encompasses:

  • Primary and secondary share offerings, including rights offerings, convertibles, mandatory convertibles and hybrid instruments for banks
  • Debt instruments, including OTC derivatives and issuance of structured products, both under programmes and stand-alone
  • Listing and delisting of securities on SIX Swiss Exchange
  • Advice on stock exchange regulation, disclosure of price-sensitive facts (ad hoc publicity), market conduct rules and insider regulation, management transactions, and disclosure of substantial shareholdings

Several partners in our team are registered with SIX Swiss Exchange as recognised representatives of issuers.


  • Swiss counsel to SIX-listed ams AG in connection with its all-cash takeover offer for all shares in DAX-listed OSRAM Licht AG, with the financing of the transaction secured through an acquisition bridge facility by HSBC and UBS, to be refinanced through a combination of equity and debt issuances
  • Counsel to SIX listed Panalpina Welttransport (Holding) AG and its board of directors in connection with the CHF 5.1 billion public exchange offer launched by Danish DSV A/S, resulting in one of the world's largest supply chain solution providers
  • Swiss counsel to BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse and UBS in their capacity as joint lead managers in a CHF 400 million bond issue by the Republic of Argentina (IFR Awards 2017)
  • Counsel to AXA Life Ltd in a public tender offer for all shares in Zürcher Freilager AG, a Zurich-based real estate company with a portfolio of CHF 870 million, followed by a squeeze-out merger
  • Swiss Counsel to First Quantum Minerals Ltd, a mining and metals company listed on Toronto Stock Exchange, on its issuance of USD 850 million senior notes due 2024 and USD 1.0 billion senior notes due 2026 (high-yield debt)
  • Swiss counsel to BNP Paribas on the registration of its programme for the issuance of structured notes, warrants and certificates with SIX Swiss Exchange
  • Transaction counsel to Bank Vontobel and LifeWatch AG in a CHF 44.9 million capital increase
  • Swiss counsel to ams AG as issuer of USD 350 million senior unsecured bonds due 2022 and EUR 600 million senior unsecured bonds due 2026, both convertible into no par value bearer shares listed on SIX
  • Counsel to Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative issuing 3% CHF 550 million Additional Tier 1 Capital Bonds, with Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative and UBS AG as joint lead managers



Full Team


Awards & Recognitions

The group and leading practitioners are highly ranked and recognised among leading law firms in global directories and publications:

  • Chambers Global and Europe in Capital Markets
  • Legal 500 in Capital Markets
  • IFLR and IFLR 1000 in Capital Markets
  • Lexology Index Switzerland and across Lexology Index Capital Markets international guides

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