In celebration of Earth Day, we are pleased to report that Schellenberg Wittmer is carbon neutral.
Schellenberg Wittmer launched its carbon reduction initiative in 2020, collaborating with MyClimate to calculate the firm's carbon footprint. Since then we have actively monitored the firm’s emissions and implemented initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint. Since 2021, the firm is also purchasing carbon credits, and as a consequence is CO2 neutral.
We have reached new milestones to reduce the firm's carbon dioxide output by implementing several firm-wide policies and investing in selected sustainability and climate protection projects. The firm’s environmental strategies and policies are driven by the firm's Sustainability Taskforce, a group of engaged Associates, Partners and Operations colleagues, together with the Management Committee. Earth Day also marks the last day of this year's internal Sustainability Awareness Campaign during which the Taskforce presented tips and recommendations how every member of the firm can contribute to a greener future.
International Earth Day is the largest annual environmental event worldwide bringing people together in the joint objective of diversifying, educating and activating the environmental movement worldwide. The aim of Earth Day is to drive a year of energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to create a new plan of action for our planet. Sustainability is a key commitment of Schellenberg Wittmer. This year, more than ever, it is time to #investinourplanet.