The M&A Perspective

In dieser Publikation beleuchten M&A Experten rechtliche und wirtschaftliche Veränderungen sowie gesellschaftliche Trends im In- und Ausland, welche das Transaktionsgeschehen beeinflussen.

The M&A Perspective ist eine kompakte Publikation, die Sie regelmässig über Entwicklungen im Zusammenhang mit M&A informiert.

Mastering the Art of Distressed M&A in Switzerland: The Rise of the Pre-Pack


Distressed transactions increasingly mark the Swiss M&A landscape. An important piece in the Swiss restructuring toolbox is the sale of parts or all of the business under court …

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Unexpected Severe Events – Learnings from the Pandemic for Swiss Law M&A Transactions


The pandemic had various impacts on M&A practitioners, one being that attorneys quickly updated their transactional documents to consider the new "normal" – a more volatile business environment. …

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Will all blank checks be cashed? SPACs and their impact on the 2021 M&A landscape


Would you hand your money to a company that has no operating results, lacks a history, and may have no plans, arrangements or understandings with respect to any …

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Liberal Switzerland Considers State Control of Foreign Investments


Today, Switzerland is very liberal with respect to foreign investments. Although sector-specific regulations and a merger control regime have been in place for many years, Switzerland has not …

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What is the interest rate after the discontinuation of LIBOR?


At the end of 2015, we reported on the challenges faced by M&A practitioners due to the odd interest rate environment, in particular when choosing the "right" interest …

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TSB's IT Meltdown – Time to Adjust Your Risk Assessment Matrix?


In late April of this year, the British bank TSB moved millions of customer accounts from the systems of Lloyds Bank, which has hosted them since TSB was …

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